Friday, January 15, 2010

Gente's Vamp Rock Party

As I've been telling you for some time now, the party season is coming to an end...
Tonight I went to the one organized by Gente Magazine, a classic...
The dress code asked for pink, which could be on your entire outfit, or just on accessory or even only on your make-up.
Where? At the terrace of the Conrad Hotel, which has a beautiful view but it's windy enough to ruin any hairdo or brushing... As I have learned from past experiences, I placed a rubber band on my glitter pink Judith Leiber minaudiere and, after the usual pictures at the entrance, I tied my hair in a more comfortable pony tail.
The party was fun and it still looked like it was going to last for long when I left... People fought hard to get past the strict controls at the entry. The terrace was full. Fortunately there were one or two VIPs (private places, slightly elevated from the rest of the floor, where friends and hosts can sit and see everyone comfortably) and though the wind was worst there, no one wanted to get back to Earth...
The party begun with a hard rock show by Pablo Bañares, plastic surgeon and mesotherapist on his free time, a true rocker in soul. Then there was a long demonstration of spectacular fireworks on the beach in front. And just after that I would have gone back home when someone whispered that we had to wait for the special guest, to arrive in a private plane from Mar del Plata: the one and only, Ricardo Fort, Argentina's new popular icon.
I wouldn't miss it, so I stayed and saw most of the runway-show, inspired in vamp rock women: the best bodies of the season walked the runway barely covered, with horns, devil tails and all... The men were mad!
Pampita, Dolores Barreiro, Deborah Bello and more...
But the cold was stronger than me and I went back home defeated...
I asked my friends that if Ricky Fort finally showed up, to tell him that I would gladly invite him home, all healthy food, of course. He could explain to me his gym routine and, in return, I could give him some fashion advice...
Will he come?

More pictures of the party here.

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