Sunday, June 6, 2010

In flight...

Thanks to today's modern technology, I'm writing this post from my airplane seat, in mid-air, somewhere between New York and Los Angeles!
Amazing! It's a first for me and I find this progress will change the way we travel... so comfortable... and it really works!!
Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain's widower, is traveling next to me... more than a wild rocker, she looks like a tired businesswoman. She has an Hermès Birkin bag and Chanel flats. Only a tattoo around the ankle reveals her true nature.
As Los Angeles is the Meca for Showbiz, it's common to see celebrities taking this flight.
After 36 intense hours in NYC, a moment for peace and meditation in the sky.
The trip is quite long, almost seven hours of flight in the middle of the day, but if my batteries resist, I won't even feel them...
NYC was splendid. Nice hot weather (almost 30°C), sun and lots of people on the streets. Women in shorts and miniskirts... it's definitely a trend.
Sales have begun yesterday, -30% and -40% off. Americans are great followers of sales, they expect them and organize themselves around them very consciously (money is money... earning it or saving it... isn't it all the same?). Except, of course, on the second floor of Bergdorf, on the shoe section, where I saw a sea of wild women fighting over Manolos and Louboutins...
I took a pair of gladiator sandals by Giuseppe Zanotti, but the sales-guy who was supposed to bring them  on my size took so long that I left. I'm glad I didn't fall for the temptation of compulsive shopping.
The best of all I saw in Gap and Abercrombie & Fitch. At Gap. delicious long cotton dresses with flowers, green, pink or light blue. Shorts (again!!) in all lengths and shapes, tartan shirts, belts, sandals. I did the math and calculated that with 200 or 300 dollars you can update your summer wardrobe. And properly.
At Abercrombie, in spite of the loud music, the strong scent of the atmosphere and the never-ending lines to the fitting rooms and then the cashiers, you can find trendy clothes, young and of excellent quality. I love Abercrombie! Great jeans, lovely t-shirts and the best pieces for outdoor sports!
And the sales people, boys and girls, are so beautiful and sexy that many tourists have their pictures taken with them... Specially those with their naked torsos and huge abs that receive visitors at the main entrance... in winter and in summer. Almost naked.
Anyway, in spite of the euphoria on the streets, due to the arrival of summer and the prospects of holidays, it is quite obvious that the economic crisis is not over... My friend Debbie, who works at Oscar de la Renta, told me that things are tough, cutting budgets and orders everywhere. Before, department stores ordered many pieces, now it's only what they know they'll sell. No one wants to be stuck with stuff they'll have to put on sale afterwards.
At Judith Leiber's stand, my friends George and Linda told me that they read my blog... the idea of having someone reading me in New York made me just happy...
Uh. Batteries are running out...

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