Sunday, June 27, 2010

Go Argentina!!!!

Three more matches to win... and Argentina will win the World Cup!!!
I've suffered for 93 minutes at my father's place, where I went to see Argentina vs. Mexico with my sister and to where we invited other supporters and the Argentines that, by chance, happened to be in Montepulciano this very day... we found just two, but it is a small town, though...
We suffered and we won... So I guess I must always suffer to win... not that hard...
So, I will definitely suffer next Saturday with the match against Germany... but I do believe in Maradona and his team...
Let's keep it up!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is hard for me when I think of what happened in this year´s World Cup. Everybody was saying that Argentina was going to be the winner. I was staying in a buenos aires apartment and I saw the game against Germany with my husband. We felt really bad when they lost, because we were on vacactions and people was less than happy, but they got through it and now we are going back for the next Cup!
