Friday, April 20, 2012

Dinner in Istanbul...

After a three-hour flight, and one-hour delay, I've finally reached the modern and chaotic Ataturk airport in Istanbul. It's my first time in this country and in this city. Rudolf de Liechtenstein is marrying Tilsim Tanberk. The West meets the East...
500 guests from all parts of Europe, all staying in magnificent hotels by the Bosphorus river. I'm at the Four Seasons, with is amazing and has a breathtaking view.
In 25 minutes I wash my face, re-apply my make-up and jump into my Oscar de la Renta outfit. The pleasure of being organized and having everything prepared...
Several ships come to pick us up and take us to the Dinner at Esma Sultan Sarayi. It's all a mixture of "1001 nights" and state-of-the-art modernity...
This city, which I don't yet know, intrigues me and moves me deeply...
I meet dozens of acquaintances and some friends... I feel like in the pages of Hello Magazine (the Spanish version). We are guided towards the 40 tables. I'm in number 19. I have the honor of being seated with Princess Isabelle, mother of the groom, Marie Christine de Kent and Prince Philippe of Belgium, among others. To my left, Michel of Yugoslavia, which is an old friend of mine. We chat all night to catch up with our latest news...
The food is of a fabulous refinement and taste. Prince Philippe asks me which is my occupation... I'm about to tell him I'm a blogger, but I answer with a vague "I handle my things" (which is true, of course).
I'm too tired and have no strengths to stay for the ball. I go back to my hotel. Time for bed. Tomorrow, the wedding...

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