Thursday, April 29, 2010

More on clothes...

Let's talk some more about clothes... specially since you've been sending me so many questions lately...
We must be sincere on this: thinking of renovating our entire wardrobe each season is insane... or even worst... I think it's rather obscene, specially now that we are facing economic meltdown and unemployment everywhere. Around the world it is being said that the "Era of Luxury" is coming to an end and consumers are asking for quality and, above all, price.
Bearing all this in mind, I'd like to give you some advice on how to give shape to your wardrobe without having a panic attack every season: 
- When in doubt, go for a classic piece instead of something too trendy.
- Know to appreciate and recognize the differences of quality between fabrics (leather, cashmere, silk) and of tailoring, because this is what sums up to the final price. Handmade clothes are expensive. Read the labels to know what cares the garment requires. Do not buy those things you are not willing to care as they should.
- Remember that the final price of something is also given by the status and image of the brand. If you are not comfortable with this, shop on more generic stores. It's not worth complaining. It's the industry. H&M or Topshop are great examples of trendy stores (they even hire well-known designers to create exclusive lines) with excellent pricing. They can be found on many cities around the globe. I hope they would soon come to Argentina... Anyway, we have a lot of chic and cheap stores here too: find those which suit your budget best...
- Always buy the size appropriate to your body now. Do not buy a piece expecting to put down some weight to use it. It is not our body the one to fit into clothes... it's clothes what should fit into our body perfectly.
- Too-tight things are no longer trendy. Clothes that slightly follow our curves are the best to hide imperfections and they give freedom of movement and air of elegance.
- When necessary and if available, use the tailoring service of the boutique. If not provided, find one you can trust and modify all your clothes to your taste. Only we know what looks great on us. Me, for example, I like skirts and short dresses to be over my knees so I always modify the hems to that length... no matter if it's an Oscar de la Renta...
- When having to decide, it's better to buy one expensive good piece than 5 really cheap.
- Choose those fabrics that feel good on your skin and prefer cuts that enhance your body.
- When the season of sales arrive, do not buy things that don't go with your style or won't sum up to your wardrobe. No matter how cheap they can be. You'll end up not using it and you would have wasted your money!!!

I hope these tips help you feel good about the clothes you have in your wardrobe and buy rationally next time!

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