Monday, April 5, 2010

Men's Style...

This post is dedicated to all my male readers, who sometimes feel forgotten in so many posts for the girls and none for you, boys!
To begin with, I must say that my approach on the subject is very classical. Nothing looks more elegant on a man than a good tailored blue jacket, a grey trouser in winter or creamy one in summer and a light blue shirt. Maybe it's because I'm Italian and most men there dress like this, specially since it was established as fashion by the late Gianni Agnelli, Fiat's owner and Italy's most elegant man. His style was unique and the way he carried a grey suit, in a mixture of informality and class, was hard to imitate. In general, Italian and English men are among the best dressed on the entire Planet. 
Oh, and also Argentine Polo players, who dazzle women around the world!
Hence, here some tips...
- Dark colors, as blue and black, are great for the afternoon/night, while light grey and beige (specially in Summer) are best for day.
- A Tuxedo is THE most elegant piece to have. 
- Know this: it's easier to make mistakes with comfortable, every-day clothes. For example, caps or hats... Caps should be used only for what they were invented for: outdoor recreation and protection from sun. It's pointless to use them when in a restaurant and it looks horrible. Even worst if used backwards.
- Shorts must be a little over the knee, not shorter or longer. 
- Modern t-shirts with bold colors or prints look good only on young guys. It's best to invest in some Polo t-shirts in luminous colors, such as pink, turquoise or green. They help you look very youthful. 
Of course, the same rules of style for women apply to men: always step in front of the mirror and look at yourself carefully. The aim is to hide flaws!
I do not believe that a huge budget is necessary to be an elegant man. In fact I know a lot of people that with wit and a good eye know how to be very stylish (my friend Roberto, for example). It should be easier for men than it is for women, specially because male fashion changes less rapidly... if you go for classic pieces, your wardrobe could last a lifetime!
Best tailors for men? Caraceni in Milano, any of the ones on Savile Row in London and Cheverny in Buenos Aires.

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